Weight Gain undoubtedly is one of the most scaring issues observed in Humans irrespective of their Age or Gender. I know that sometimes it may get very frustrating to gain weight without even knowing the reasons for weight gain.
You must be wondering about
Why you have started gaining weight for no particular reason?
What is that you are doing wrong resulting in you gaining weight?
How can you possibly improve what you are doing wrong and gaining weight?
It’s fine really, these questions and thoughts are completely normal when you gain weight. Also, do not worry because you will get all your answers about this mystery at the end of this Blog.
Are you actually gaining weight?
You are reading this out, that means you must have a feeling that you are putting on some Kilos. We mostly get this thought when we notice some extra fat around our belly or when your jeans don’t fit properly.
If you have also noticed these changes then there are chances that it might just be Bloating and Not Weight Gain. Bloating is a feeling of heaviness and discomfort around your stomach mainly after having your food. Bloating is generally for a short period, happens because of having excess food sometimes.
Whereas, Weight gain is something that happens over time and gets visible on the whole body rather than just on your belly. So, if you are feeling the same way for quite some time now then it is a sign of Weight Gain. Otherwise, it can just be Bloating.
So, be sure if you are gaining weight, or is it just Belly Bloating.
What is unintentional weight gain?
It is very normal to gain weight when you break your diet, start eating fast food, or stop doing physical activities. But when we put on weight without doing any of these then it is known as unintentional weight gain.
What are the Possible Reasons for Weight Gain?
There can be many reasons as to why you have started gaining weight suddenly and unintentionally. These reasons for weight gain can be related to some ongoing medical conditions or there can be some unusual shocking reasons behind this mystery.
We will be discussing all those possible reasons that can be blamed for your weight gain. Also, the ways to deal with these reasons will be disclosed.
What are the Medical Conditions or Diseases that cause unintentional Weight Gain?
Many medical conditions become a big reason for Weight Gain and that too unknowingly sometimes. The most common underlying medical conditions that affect your Body Weight are:
Thyroid Disease or Abnormal Thyroid
Any abnormality in the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck leads to Thyroid disease. Weight Gain and Weight Loss are the two most common symptoms of this disease. Weight gain happens when the Thyroid Gland does not produce enough hormones, also known as hypothyroidism. Whereas, when it starts overproducing these hormones then it leads to weight loss.
The thyroid can affect both the males and women irrespective of their age but it generally affects women more.
Depression and Stress
People suffering from depression, anxiety, and stress are certainly more prone to weight imbalance. More stress and depression lead to disturbed diet and food habits which can lead to both weight loss or gain.
Most of the people suffering from depression make eating as their stress buster which becomes the most common reason for weight gain.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCOS is a common problem of hormonal imbalance in the ovaries of women of childbearing age. PCOS can be a very common cause of weight gain in women. Most of the women suffering this disease are very prone to gain weight because PCOS doesn’t simply allow the body to use insulin hormone in the body.
The insulin hormone helps the body to convert the sugar and starch consumed into energy. A high level of this hormone can lead to an increase in the production of the male hormone called Androgens. Androgens lead to Weight gain, hair growth ,and acne.
Insulin Therapy is the most common treatment for people suffering from diabetes. Insulin Therapy leads to more storage of glucose in the form of fat which leads to weight gain.
Thus, diabetes does not directly affect weight but the treatment of Diabetes makes people gain weight over time.
Cushing’s Syndrome
This is a very rare disease that occurs because of the Cortisol hormone. Cortisol hormone generates in the body either by the overproduction in our body by adrenal glands or by consuming some type of oral medications.
The crushing syndrome can affect your body and mostly it leads to weight gain in the upper body and the midsection of the body.
Obesity is a very big and common medical problem which not only leads to weight gain. But it also can cause heart diseases, Blood Pressure, heart failure, and diabetes.
This problem is a big reason for concern. It can lead to an excessive amount of body fat in our body which leads to weight gain. Though this can be controlled by improvement in diet and some physical activities.
All these medical problems stated above need medical attention and if you have any of these problems then proper medical care, diet, and physical activities can help you in controlling the weight gain.
If you have no such underlying medical condition, still you are putting on weight there are some other non-medical reasons as well. These reasons are somewhere very surprising and unintentional.
What are some shocking non-medical reasons for unintentional weight gain?
When you suddenly start putting on weight without even having fast food, even when you are doing physical activities and with no underlying medical conditions.
Then these can be the reasons for weight gain, you should be aware of. These are not very big reasons which cannot be sorted but just need a little attention and care.
Depriving your Sleeping Routine
Are you compromising on your sleep?
If yes for any reason then you must think about it again. Because this can be the most possible reason for weight gain and that too after complete diet and workout. You really cannot control your weight unless you take proper care of your sleep.
Sleeping is necessary because when we don’t sleep properly it certainly leads to more hunger the next day, due to hunger hormones. So now, you must have got the reason to give yourself adequate sleep.
At least, 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary for an adult every day.
Discontinuing/ Quitting Smoking
If you have quit smoking recently, congratulations and very well done. But let me tell you one shocking fact that this can be one of the reasons for weight gain.
Smoking starts depriving your hunger and when you leave smoking, you start feeling hungrier. This leads to overeating which means more calories and becomes a big reason for weight gain.
The only way to control the weight gain when you quit smoking is by adding physical exercises to your routine.
Water is very essential for the human body. This is where you might be lacking because we often give more attention to our food habits and physical activities. Our body needs water as much as it needs food and physical activities.
Lack of water leads to dehydration, which can be a possible reason for gaining weight. Because our body needs energy from water otherwise it starts generating energy from food. If the body doesn’t get enough water then it craves for more food.
So, you should start drinking 8-10 glasses of water and even more if you can to avoid dehydration and weight gain.
There you go, we have discussed all the possible reasons including medical and non-medical. These are all the unintentional reasons that might be behind your sudden weight gain.
Also, we have discussed what all you can do to deal with the unintentional weight gain problem.
When to see a doctor?
After reading this article completely you may have got an idea about the reason that can be behind your weight gain.
So, if you think you have any of the above medical condition related symptoms then you should consult a doctor/ seek professional advice.
Also, if you feel that there might be some other reasons for your weight gain than these, then also you should consult a doctor.
This article is purely for informational purposes and you should always seek professional advice for medical issues.
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